Privacy Policy

Orium Pay


We are dedicated to protecting and respecting your privacy and handling your information openly and transparently.

This policy ("Privacy Policy") explains what information we collect from You, or You provide to us, what we will use it for, and with whom we share that information. The Privacy Policy also sets out Your rights and who You can contact for more information.

In this Privacy Policy, your information is sometimes called "personal data". We may also sometimes mutually refer to

  • Handling
  • Collecting
  • Protecting
  • Storing your data as "processing" such as personal data

Please read this carefully as this policy is legally binding when you use our Services as this privacy policy describes how Orium Pay, collects and uses your personal information.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, you should first contact us at DPO’s email [email protected]

What Kind of information do we collect about You?

Terms and conditions are subject to changes depending on changes in the law or regulatory requirements. Any changes made after the completion of a transaction will not apply to the current transaction. These changes will only apply to transactions processed after the date the changes have been made.

We may collect, record and use information about You in physical and electronic form and will hold, use, and otherwise process the data under the Data Protection Legislation and as set out in this Privacy Policy.

The personal data we collect and process may include, among others:

  • Your name;
  • Your contact information such as Your email address and telephone number (or any telephone number used to call our customer services);
  • Your demographic information such as age, education, gender, and interests;
  • Confirmation of Your identity (for example passport information);
  • Unique identifiers such as username, account number, and password;
  • Your profiles and postings on any other social media applications and services that we provide or that You make available to us;
  • The transaction is being processed on behalf of a third party or we suspect the transaction may have been forged. Your payment details or other financial data, e.g.: Your bank or payment method provider’s name, or your account number, sort code, and billing address; and
  • Information about Your visit to our website, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL), clickstream to, and from our site (including date and time), length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.

We also collect from Your information concerning other people (e.g.: details of the recipients of Your money transfers), where You provide us with such information.

By providing us with such information you confirm that you have obtained any necessary permissions from such persons to the reasonable use of their information for such purposes under this notice, or are otherwise permitted to give us this information on their behalf

Please also ensure that those other people are aware of this notice and that the provisions of this notice are communicated to them.

We may perform enhanced due diligence by verifying your information by using credible electronic verification software, In case of any objection, you can contact us at [email protected]

How We Collect Personal Information

We and our service providers collect personal information in different ways, including:

  1. Directly from you: when you interact with us. For example, we collect personal information from you if you use our services, call our call center, or apply to become an agent. If you provide information about someone else, you represent that you have permission to do so.
  2. Indirectly from other sources: Such as public databases, joint marketing partners, social media platforms (including from people with whom you are friends or otherwise connected), and from other third parties.

How Orium Pay will use Your information

Our primary purpose in collecting user information is to provide You with a safe, smooth, efficient, and customized experience and to provide the services You have requested from us

We may also use the information that You have provided to ensure that the content on our site is presented most effectively for You and Your computer or device.

Orium Pay will your information for the following specific purposes:

  • • To carry out our commitments arising from any contracts entered into between You and us or from applicable law, and to provide You with the services under our terms and conditions and with this Privacy Policy;
  • To register You with a Orium Pay account;
  • To fulfill Your Transaction;
  • To send You authorizations;
  • To notify You about changes to our services;
  • To prevent fraud;
  • To send you marketing communications;
  • To administer our site and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;
  • As part of our efforts to keep our site and our services safe and secure;
  • To measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to You and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to You;
  • To make suggestions and recommendations to You and other users of our site about services that may interest You or them; and
  • To display personal recommendations of satisfied customers on our website in addition to other endorsements, where You have agreed with a third-party review site that we may do so.

Legal grounds for using Your personal information

The law permits us to process Your data in the way we do because the processing is:

  • Required for the legitimate interests that we chase, which are:
    1. To run and manage our business;
    2. To avoid scam;
    3. To provide you with our services;
    4. To evaluate, develop or improve our services;
    5. To keep you informed about relevant products and services you are using;
    6. To discharge our legal obligations to store and disclose information where necessary; and/or
    7. To provide You with an efficient and smooth customer experience;
  • Required for the performance of our contract with You to provide You with our services;
  • Required to comply with a legal commitment to which we are subject; or
  • Allowed by You, because You have given us consent.

Sharing Your Information

The following categories of recipients may receive Your personal information and process it for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy:

  • We may reveal data to provide our services, to respond to legal requirements, enforce our policies, link with judicial or governing establishments where required under applicable law, and protect our rights and property
  • The personal information You provide to us may also be shared with third-party companies, agents, contractors, service providers, or related companies, including without restriction:
    1. With credit reference agencies to verify Your identity or recipients of the money transferred through the Service, if this is necessary to provide You with our services, respond to Your inquiries or for any other related purposes, and
    2. With scam prevention agencies who may use it to prevent scam and moneylaundering and to verify Your identity (please note that those who commit scam can be refused services, finance, or employment.
  • We may also share Your personal information with:
    1. Other companies we have instructed to provide services to or for us;
    2. Other third parties for those purposes that may be reasonably ascertained from the circumstances in which the information was submitted;
    3. Other business entities, should we plan to merge with, or be acquired by, or be invested in by that business entity, or if we undergo a corporate reorganization;
    4. Any successor in interest, in the event of a liquidation or administration of AFG Union; and
    5. To any other third party, but only subject to your prior consent.

Our Information Security

  • All the data that you provide to us is encrypted on our secure servers. We restrict access to your data to specific employees of Orium Pay, who have an important business-related reason for handling it. Our communications are encrypted using the TLS (Transport Layer Security) technology protocol
  • All of the data we collect from you or other sources will always be stored in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

How long we keep Your information

  • We keep information only as long as necessary
  • We keep information if necessary for the purpose it was collected, or for a longer retention period as required or permitted by law.
  • Once information is no longer needed for its initial purpose it is deleted under our policies and procedures.

Your rights:

You have all the rights to ask us to stop your data for the processing of payment or not to use it for any kind of social media campaigns / Marketing.

To be informed about the processing of Your data (i.e., for what purposes, what type of personal data, to what recipients it is disclosed, storage periods, any third-party sources from it was obtained, confirmation of whether we undertake automated decision- making, including profiling, and the logic, significance and envisaged consequences).

Reading this Privacy Policy forms part of Your right to be informed;

  • To request access to or a copy of any personal data which we hold about You;
  • To refinement Your data, if You consider that it is inaccurate or not up to-date;
  • To ask us to delete Your data, if You consider that we do not have the right to hold it;
  • To withdraw consent to our processing of Your data (to the extent such processing is based on previously obtained consent);
  • To ask us to stop or start sending You marketing messages at any time by using the below contact details;
  • To restrict the processing of Your data;
  • To data portability (moving some of Your data elsewhere) in certain circumstances; and
  • To object to Your data being processed in certain circumstances.

You can contact us at [email protected] if you want to enforce any of these rights. We will comply with our legal obligations as regards Your rights as a data subject.

User Access, Change Or Deletion Of Private Information

As per law, you have all the right to access personal data, your right of access can be exercised under relevant data protection legislation.

Any access request may be subject to a fee to meet our cost in providing you with details of the information we hold about you.

You may request our Authorized agents / Branch to update your private information and you may also, restrict them to use your personal information for any further use.

In case of any complaints concerning personal data please contact us at [email protected]

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Any changes we make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to You by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Privacy policy.

How to contact us

If you would like to ask any question regarding t he privacy policy, please feel free to write to us at
[email protected]

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